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That's right, Mutah Chat is back. Please use it responsibly. Let all your single friends know that they could meet a like minded Mutah partner here. Mutah is also spelt by some as Muta, Mutaa Muta'a Muta'ah and in Iran it is variously known as Sighe, Sigha, Seeghe, Seegah, Seegha and various other spellings for Muta. However you spell Sighe it is still the same thing as Mutah.
If the first chat room is quiet stay logged in and then log into the second chat room and talk to people from across the web about Mutah n the second chat room while waiting for more Mutah.com chatters to arrive. The best time to visit the Mutah Chat Room is between 17.00-19.00 (5pm to 7pm) to chat to local people in your time zone. To help make this chat room successful please share Mutah.com with friends on Facebook, Twitter and other websites.
The Mutah Contract Procedure A step by step guide to entering a Mutah.
Female Volunteers Needed For Research... We have been contacted for help by Tiare Rath a graduate student in Middle East Studies at New York University. She is writing a paper on how Mutah marriages affect women, as well as what women think of temporary marriages…
Here you will find a gradually growing list of articles, books, selected chapters, and personal accounts, on the issues of Mutah, and relationships. We will also have literature on youth, society and other related matters.
Please scroll down and click on the title that interests you.
You can also find rulings on these issues in the Marriage Law section.
If you would like information on Nikah marriage and related topics please visit our sister site NikahMarriage.com.
Inshallah, we will be updating the website with new literature and links regularly, so please visit us often.
Temporary Marriage From Seeking the Straight Path: Reflections Of a New Muslim by Diana Masooma Beatty. Written by a revert Sister currently residing in the United States. It's a very nice read. After clicking on the above link, please click on subject heading you want to skip to from the Table of Contents. The section on Mutah is a good introduction to the topic, particularly from the convert's point of view.
Fixed-Time Marriage (1) From the Chapter Fixed-Time Marriage in Woman And Her Rights by Shaheed, Allamah Murtaza Mutahheri. (See below for more details about this book.)
Mutah Or Temporary Marriage Appendix from the book Shia by 'Allamah Tabatabai and Sayyed Hossein Nasr. This is a brief introduction to Mutah in Islam.
The Essence Of This Marriage From Chapter 4: The Marriage Of Mutah from the book Questions On Jurisprudence (Masa'il Fiqhiyya) by 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi. This is a scholarly description of what Mutah is and briefly covers the arguments for and against its validity.
Temporary Marriage (Mutah) In Islamic Law By Sachiko Murata. This book is a very good source of information. The legal similarities and differences between Nikah marriage and Mutah are made clear. However, the use of language in some of the quotes from certain scholars of the past, can sometimes be rather offensive and damaging to the concept of Mutah. However, whether this book has damaged its image or not is debatable. It is an academic work where the author has described the views of different scholars on Mutah.
Rulings On Temporary Marriage translation of the chapter on Mutah in the book Fiqh al-Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as), by Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah. The translation and footnotes are by Hujjat al-Islam Sheikh 'Abd al-Hakeem Carney. Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
Fixed-Time Marriage This is a fantastic chapter taken from the excellent book Woman And Her Rights by the famous, and greatly missed Shaheed, Allamah Murtaza Mutahheri. Unlike most other works on the topic, this work concentrates on the social aspects of present day societies and Mutah. Definitely worth a read. It is a translation of the Persian book Nizam-e-Huqooq-e-Zan Dar Islam. An excellent social, psychological and philosophical analysis of many issues related to Women, family, Nikah, Mutah, Polygamy, Divorce . . . From http://www.al-islam.org/
Handling Sexual Urge Before Marriage? Temporary Marriage (Mutah) from Marriage And Morals In Islam By Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. This book is known amongst many circles as the "Pink" book. It's a very open and frank book about topics generally considered taboo subjects. This section briefly describes how Mutah can be a temporary option for those who are unable to marry in Nikah.
The Necessities And The Advantages Of Mutah This is from Chapter 6a: Temporary Marriage In Islam of the extensive "A Shi'ite Encyclopedia". Edited by Vahid J. Majd and Ali Abbas. (You may need to scroll down the page.)
Temporary Marriages This is Chapter 5 in Western Civilization Through Muslim Eyes by Sayyid Mujtaba Rukni Musawi Lari. This is a very excellent piece by the learned scholar, looking at Mutah within the context of Western life. It shows how Mutah was introduced by the Holy Prophet (saw) in order to wipe out prostitution and other forms of illicit relationships from society. Definitely worth a read.
Temporary Marriage And Registered Sexual Activity From the chapter Themes II - Our Youth...The Essential Model of the book World Of Our Youth by Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlullah. In this section the author shows how Mutah can be considered by the youth as an alternative to Early Marriage (which is halal and encouraged in Islam) and Masturbation (which is haram in Islam but widely practiced). Also discussed: Adolescence, Sex Education, Love In Islam. Generally the whole chapter and the whole book is worth a read.
4:24 Arabic Text & Recitation The Arabic text of the verse on Mutah in the Qur'an.
Surah Nisa Verse 24 (.wav file) The Qur'anic verse on Mutah recited in Arabic.
4:24 English Translation Translation of the verse on Mutah in English by Yusuf Ali, Pikthal, & Shakir.
Commentary (4:24): "Then as to such of them with whom you have Mutah, give them their dowries as appointed" From Holy Qur'an: Surah an-Nisa (Chapter The Women): Verses 23-28 which is a selection from Al-Mizan Volume 8. By al-Allamah as-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabatabai. This is an excellent commentary on the verse of Mutah. The author analyses the grammar and language of the verse, quotes: hadith, companions, Imams, and scholars alike and considers arguments both for and against the legitimacy of Mutah. He proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this verse (4:24) is about Mutah and was never abrogated by Qur'an or Sunnah. You must read this!
Proof From The Book On Its Legislation From Chapter 4: The Marriage Of Mutah from the book Questions On Jurisprudence (Masa'il Fiqhiyya) by 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi.
Evidences From Qur'an And The Sunni Commentaries This is from Chapter 6a: Temporary Marriage In Islam of the extensive "A Shi'ite Encyclopedia". Edited by Vahid J. Majd and Ali Abbas. (You may need to scroll down the page.)
The Different Views Concerning The Abrogation Of The Verse Of Mutah By Hadith Of The Prophet (saw) From Holy Qur'an: Surah an-Nisa (Chapter The Women): Verses 23-28 which is a selection from Al-Mizan Volume 8. By al-Allamah as-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabatabai.
A Review Of Traditions About Mutah From Holy Qur'an: Surah an-Nisa (Chapter The Women): Verses 23-28 which is a selection from Al-Mizan Volume 8. By al-Allamah as-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabatabai.
Its Legislation According To The Text Of The Sunnah From Chapter 4: The Marriage Of Mutah from the book Questions On Jurisprudence (Masa'il Fiqhiyya) by 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi.
Mutah In The Sunnah From the section Ijtihad Of The Caliphs Concerning The Two Mutahs in the book A Probe Into The History Of Hadith by Allamah Murtaza Al-Askari.
Evidences From The Sunni Hadith Collections This is from Chapter 6a: Temporary Marriage In Islam of the extensive "A Shi'ite Encyclopedia". Edited by Vahid J. Majd and Ali Abbas. ( You may need to scroll down the page.)
Was Mutah Prohibited? By Sister Isma Zaidi. A concise and logical
analysis of all the contradictory hadiths which claim when Mutah was
Concubinage Or Marriage Of Pleasure In The Bible This is Chapter 9 from the book Islam In The Bible by Professor Ali Haydar (Thomas McElwain). This is a truly unique piece of research. It looks at the topic of Mutah from the angle of the Bible. In this work Professor Ali Haydar shows how a form of Mutah was practiced by the Ancient Prophets of Israel, including Abraham (pbuh), David (pbuh), and Solomon (pbuh). He has used the word "concubinage" to refer to the specific form of Mutah as practiced in Biblical times. Please note that the rules of concubinage which can be inferred from the Bible are not necessarily the same as the rules of Mutah according to Islam.
The Consensus Of The Community On Its Legislation From Chapter 4: The Marriage Of Mutah from the book Questions On Jurisprudence (Masa'il Fiqhiyya) by 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi.
Caliph Bans Fixed Time-Marriage From the Chapter Fixed-Time Marriage in Woman And Her Rights by Shaheed, Allamah Murtaza Mutahheri. (See above for more details about this book.)
Al-Mutah: Or Temporary Marriage This is a Chapter taken from, To Be With The Truthful by Muhammad al-Tijani al-Samawi. Written in a similar style to his famous book, Then I Was Guided. It briefly goes over the debate on the legitimacy of Mutah.
Ijtihad Of The Caliphs Concerning The Two Mutahs This is a Chapter reproduced from the book A Probe Into The History Of Hadith by Allamah Murtaza Al-Askari. It is an historical analysis of the background in which both Mutahs (the Mutah of Hajj and the Mutah of Women) were banned by the decree of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, many years after the death of the Last Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.)
Temporary Marriage In Islam This is Chapter 6a from the extensive "A Shi'ite Encyclopedia". Edited by Vahid J. Majd and Ali Abbas. Topics covered include; evidence from the Qur'an, Sunni Tafsir, Hadith Collections, History books, Similarities & Differences between Nikah marriage and Mutah, the necessity and Advantages of Mutah... A very useful source of reference.
Mutah And Hajj Nisa Were Lawful Up To Abu Bakr's Time But Made Unlawful By Umar This is an excerpt of the dialogue between Abdu'l-Fani Muhammad al-Musawi Sultanu'l-Wa'izin Shirazi and several Sunni scholars. It is from the book Peshawar Nights. This dialogue took place over a period of ten nights in Peshawar, India, beginning on 27 January 1927. His efforts proved successful when at the end of the dialogue one of his opponents and five other dignitaries in the audience publicly embraced his school of thought. Click here for the full text of Peshawar Nights.
Was Mutah Prohibited? By Sister Isma Zaidi. A concise and logical
analysis of all the contradictory hadiths which claim when Mutah was
In this section you will find personal accounts of ordinary Muslims, both male and female, about why they have considered the idea of contracting a Mutah with someone. Please feel free to read what they have had to say about Mutah. We hope that the number of articles in this section continues to grow. Please send your articles to Mutah1@lycos.com and help us to smash the taboo and ignorance surrounding this institution which has been divinely bestowed upon humankind.
The Experience Of A Female Revert This is an excellent account of a sister who has had to deal with the double standards of Shia communities. It is an excellent reminder of what happens when both individuals and societies think and behave ignorantly about an institution of Islam which was avidly pronounced as legitimate by the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) The need for reform is made crystal clear.
A Marital Relationship For Those Without Economic Means Want to marry? But are a student with no money? Worry not! There is a temporary solution. . .
Mutah - A Way To Forming Companionship During Student Life "I'm a Student! What Shall I do? Arghhhhh!!!!!!" Are you at present a single student? Or, do you remember what it was like being a young college guy trying your best not to let yourself be seduced? If so, then we are sure you can relate to what both the above accounts describe. : )
Mutah As A Means Of Protecting Hijab An explanation of how this pious brother entered into a Mutah solely for the purpose of relaxing the the conditions of Hijab between himself and a female to whom he was doing Dawah.
I Contracted Mutah To Help Me Search For A Nikah Wife This is a description of how this brother harnessed Mutah for the purposes of getting to know his prospective wife better.
Mutah: A Suitable Option For A Divorcé Whilst briefly describing for us why he considers Mutah as a safe option following his divorce, this brother gives an in-depth and excellent analysis of why divorce amongst Muslims is on a rapid increase. His solution? Education and social reform towards the Islamic ideals and values.
In this section we will try to provide you with the fatwa of the Mujtahids on Mutah, Nikah, Divorce and related issues. For anyone doing taqleed, this section is your Mutah Bible! We will also try to provide other related sources of law. Please e-mail links with the fatwas of Mujtahids to us at Mutah1@lycos.com
If you have questions about Mutah Law please check the links below and check the section on Mutah Fiqh FAQ. If you can't find the answers to your questions please e-mail them to Mutah1@lycos.com and tell us from which source of Islamic Law you would like your questions to be answered. We can either forward the question to a Mujtahid of your choice or to ulama who have agreed to offer their services to this site.
Please note: the opinions voiced by the scholars who answer questions do not necessarily represent the views of Mutah.com.
The General Customary Perception Of Temporary Marriage from the chapter Themes V - Our Youth...The Shariah Viewl of the book World Of Our Youth by Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah. In this section the author discusses the negative way in which some customary societies view Mutah. Also discussed in this excerpt: Does A Young Virgin Girl Need The Permission Of Her Father?; Mutah Is A Protection Against Corruption; Polygyny; and Early Marriage. Generally the whole chapter and the whole book is worth a read.
Questions And Answers About Women And Family from the general Q&A section according to the Fatwa of Ayatullah Fadlallah.
Questions About Marriage topics include Marriage, Mutah, Masturbation, Female Employment from the general Q&A section according to the Fatwa of Ayatullah Fadlallah.
Rules Governing Relations With Others by Ayatullah Fadlallah.
Poetry, Women, Love, Temporary Marriage And Pleasure - An Interview with Ayatullah Fadlallah : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 Ayatullah Fadlallah discusses his views in a very frank manner. Entertaining to read!
Problems With The Wife Q&A from Q&A by Ayatullah Sayyid M. S. Al-Hakeem.
Q&A On Mutah from the section Fatwas From Ayatullah Khamenei's Office In Qum by Ayatullah Al-Udhma Sayyid Ali Khamenei.
Miscellaneous Q&A including sections on Children's Rights In Islam And Medical Treatment, Illegitimate Children, Civil Divorce Without Islamic Divorce, according to the fatwa of Ayatullah Khamenei.
Miscellaneous Questions About Enjoining Good And Forbidding Evil In Mixed Circumstance from Practical Laws according to Ayatullah Khamenei.
Rules Of Mutah Or Siqah Fatwa from the section on Marriage from Tawdhih al Masael Of Ayatullah G. H. Fazel Lankarani.
Rules Of Marriage Or Nikah from Tawdhih al Masael Of Ayatullah G. H. Fazel Lankarani.
Rules Of Looking And Marriage From Resalah Of Islamic Rules For Adolescence according to Ayatullah Lankarani.
Rules Of Divorce from Tawdhih al Masael Of Ayatullah G. H. Fazel Lankarani.
FAQ A selection of Frequently Asked Questions sent to Ayatullah Lankarani's office. (You need to navigate to the relevant section.)
Mutah (Temporary Marriage) Fatwa on Mutah from the section on Marriage from Islamic Laws the Resalah of His Eminence Grand Ayatullah as-Sayyid Ali al-Hussaini as-Seestani.
Marriage Fatwa on Marriage from Islamic Laws the Resalah of His Eminence Grand Ayatullah as-Sayyid Ali al-Hussaini as-Seestani.
Dialogue On Marriage Encouraging people to marry at an earlier age rather than later. Laws concerning marriage according to the fatwa of Ayatullah Seestani. Chapter taken from Jurisprudence Made Easy (According To Ayatullah Seestani).
Divorce Fatwa on Divorce from Islamic Laws the Resalah of His Eminence Grand Ayatullah as-Sayyid Ali al-Hussaini as-Seestani.
Dialogue On Divorce Discussion on Divorce according to the fatwa of Ayatullah Seestani from Jurisprudence Made Easy.
Marriage And Divorce Miscellaneous rulings on issues concerning Marriage, Divorce, Masturbation, Sexual Fantasy, Looking At Non-Mahram Women... from Contemporary Legal Rulings In Shia Law according to the fatwa of Ayatullah Seestani.
Your Questions Answered: Divorce And Related Matters Civil Divorce & Child Maintenance from Current Legal Issues according to Ayatullah Seestani.
Your Questions Answered: Medical, Women and Reproduction Miscellaneous rulings on Looking At Non-Mahram Women for Medical Purposes, Abortion, Birth Control, and lots more... from Current Legal Issues according to Ayatullah Seestani.
Artificial Insemination from Current Legal Issues according to Ayatullah Seestani.
The People Of The Book from Current Legal Issues according to Ayatullah Seestani.
Islamic Dress Code from Current Legal Issues according to Ayatullah Seestani.
A Code Of Practice For Muslims In The West by Ayatullah Seestani. You need to select the chapters that interest you from the two drop down menus at the top of the page. Or you can click directly to the relevant sections below:
Marriage: Introduction; General Rules; Questions And Answers.
Women's Issues: Introduction; General Issues; Questions And Answers.
Youth Issues: Introduction; General Issues; Questions And Answers.
Miscellaneous: Introduction; General Rules; Questions And Answers.
Mutah Q&A from Marriage Q&A Including issues concerning seeking permission from the father of a virgin girl. According to the fatwa of Grand Ayatullah Imam Muhammad Shirazi.
Questions And Answers including Abortion & Euthanasia Q&A; Marriage Q&A; Women Q&A including Women, Men And The Internet according to Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi.
Marriage & Sex Etiquette Hadith from the Holy prophet (saw) and Imams on Sex. By Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi.
Ahlul Bayt 'Alim Network Q & A A long list of Questions and Answers from ulama on various issues including Mutah.
In this section we will present the questions and answers about Mutah that have been sent to our website for answering. The replies are from Mujtahids and local scholars.
What is the procedure for ending a Mutah contract before the time originally agreed?
Can the Arabic formula of Mutah be pronounced in advance of the commencement of the Mutah itself?
When is the full payment of the Mahr due to the Mutah wife?
Can a Shia marry a Sunni in Mutah or Nikah?
someone who is chaste marry someone in Mutah who has not been chaste, but after
knowing about Mutah agrees to doing Mutah?
is the cure to the widespread sexual immorality and haram relationships amongst
the Muslim youth?
someone who was having a haram western style boyfriend-girlfriend relationship
convert that relationship into a halal Mutah relationship?
a Sayyida Female marry a non-Sayyid Male in Mutah or Nikah?
a Shia do Mutah with a Christian or a Jew?
Can a Shia Female marry a Sunni Male in Mutah or Nikah?
Can a person remove their beard or Hijab for the sake of personal safety and Taqiyya?
Can a person do Mutah with a prostitute?
Can I Do Mutah with my ex-husband even though I have not remarried since?
Is it permissible for me to change the Mujtahid to whom I
do taqleed?
Here you will find a gradually growing list of articles, books, selected chapters, and personal accounts, on the issues of women, youth, society, sex, the veil, and other related matters.
You can also find rulings on these issues in the Mutah & Nikah Law section.
For more information about Nikah Marriage, Divorce and related issues in Islam please visit our sister site: NikahMarriage.com.
Please scroll down and click on the title that interests you.
Inshallah, we will be updating the website with new literature and links regularly, so please visit us often.
Women In A Qur'anic Society By Lois Lamya al-Faruqi.
Women: An Index To The Qur'an This page has links to verses in the Qur'an about Women and related topics. From An Index To The Qur'an.
On The Status Of Women In Islam By Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi.
Expectations Of The Muslim Woman By Dr. Ali Shariati.
The Woman By Ayatullah Modarresi
Women: Islamic Articles Lots of links on subjects related to Women in Islam.
Khatoon Network - For Women Only A Muslim site dedicated to women. Extensive collection of links.
Woman And Her Rights By the famous, and greatly missed Shaheed, Allamah Murtaza Mutahheri. It is a translation of the Persian book Nizam-e-Huqooq-e-Zan Dar Islam. An excellent social, psychological and philosophical analysis of many issues related to Women, Family, Nikah, Mutah, Polygamy, Divorce . . . from http://www.al-islam.org/
Women In Marriage From Seeking the Straight Path: Reflections Of a New Muslim by Diana Masooma Beatty.
The Value Of Marriage In Islam Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
Rulings On Permanent Marriage translation of the chapter on Marriage in the book Fiqh al-Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as), by Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah. The translation and footnotes are by Hujjat al-Islam Sheikh 'Abd al-Hakeem Carney. Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
Divorce: The Worst Halal Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
Liberation By The Veil By Sehmina Jaffer Chopra.
Beauty Of Concealment And Concealment Of Beauty By Sister Dr. Zahra Rahnavard. The revolutionary role of the hijab.
Why Hijab? By World Islamic Network http://www.winislam.com/. You can order free Islamic Literature from this site (WIN Islam).
Hijab By Mary C. Ali.
Hijab (Veil) And Muslim Women By Ms. Naheed Mustafa.
Hijab Articles From Islamzine.com.
Hijab Of Freedom By Kubra Saiyeda Jafri.
Hijaab The War Of The Women By Yahiya Emerick and Reshma Baig.
Islamic Modest Dress From Seeking the Straight Path: Reflections Of a New Muslim by Diana Masooma Beatty.
Modesty & Social Contracts From Invitation To Islam: A Survival Handbook by Thomas McElwain (Ali Haydar) Ph.D. Some very valid points about the need for thoughtfulness in choosing the style of Hijab one adopts while living in the West.
Sexual Ethics In Islam And In The Western World by Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahheri.
Marriage & Sex Etiquette Hadith from the Holy prophet (saw) and Imams on Sex. By Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi.
Marriage And Morals In Islam By Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi.
What Do You Mean? - How Can There Be Sacred Sex In Islam? From Penkatali.org.
Sexual Techniques From Marriage And Morals In Islam By Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. A useful section in this very useful book.
Islam Says Sex Is Good For You Lots of links about Sex from TheModernReligion.com.
The Sanctity Of Sex In Islam: Is It Wrong To Marry Just For Sex? Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
Contraceptives And Abortion From Marriage And Morals in Islam by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi.
Birth Control; Who Is Behind It? From The Family by Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi.
Is Birth Control Allowed In Islam? By Jamaal Zarabozo.
Early Marriage From the chapter Themes II - Our Youth...The Essential Model of the book World Of Our Youth by Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlullah.
Dialogue On Marriage Encouraging early marriage rather than late. This is from Jurisprudence Made Easy according to Ayatullah Seestani.
Early Marriage From The Family by Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi
Benjamin Franklin On Early Marriage This is a letter written Benjamin Franklin. He speaks with the wisdom of an old, learned and experienced man.
Chat Room Debate: Marriage - Early Or Late? A very good debate about whether people should marry early, or delay their marriage. By The Nikah Matchmaker.
Finding A Mate From Seeking the Straight Path: Reflections Of a New Muslim by Diana Masooma Beatty.
The Value Of Early Marriage In Islam Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
"Does A Woman Or A Girl Need The Permission Of Her Father To Marry?" Translated excerpt from the book Fiqh al-Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq by Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, author of many famous books on Islamic subjects, including the work The Five Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence. Commentary on this text by Hujjat al-Islam Sheikh 'Abd al-Hakeem Carney. Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
The Philosophy Of Marriages Of The Prophet (saw) By Ahmad H. Sheriff.
Polygamy From Seeking the Straight Path: Reflections Of a New Muslim by Diana Masooma Beatty.
Polygamy From Woman And Her Rights by Shaheed, Allamah Murtaza Mutahheri.
Polygyny From World Of Our Youth by Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah.
Polygamy - A Spurious Crisis From The Family by Ayatullah Muhammad Shirazi.
Polygamy: The Lost Sunnah Originally from Nikah-Foundation.org.
Slavery In Qur'an And Hadith From Al-Mizan Volume 8. By al-Allamah as-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabatabai. This is a commentary of Qur'an 4:23-28. In order to navigate easily to different parts of the commentary go to the Table Of Contents. It covers topics like marriage to slaves andpunishment due to a married slave in the event of adultery.
Slavery: Islamic and Christian Perspectives by Sayyid Sa'eed Akter Rizvi.
Slavery In Islam From The Wisdom Fund.
Slavery From TheModernReligion.com.
Slavery - What Is It? A list of articles about slavery in Islam.
Embryology: An Index To The Qur'an This page has links to verses in the Qur'an about Embryology and related topics. From An Index To The Qur'an. An excellent resource!
Homosexuality: An Index To The Qur'an This page has links to verses in the Qur'an about Homosexuality and its sinfulness. From An Index To The Qur'an. An excellent resource!
Khadija, Wife Of Prophet Muhammad by Yasin T. al-Jibouri from al-islam.org.
Khadijatul Kubrah: A Short Story Of Her Life by Syed A. A. Razwy. Biography of The Prophet Muhammad's (saw) first wife. She was also the mother of Fatima Zahra (as), the first woman to bear witness to the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) and the one who injected her wealth into the revolutionary movement of Islam.
Fatima Is Fatima By Dr. Ali Shariati. (You have to scroll down to the bottom of the page.)
Lady Fatima Zahra (as) Various links to information about Fatima Zahra (as) the daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw) from al-islam.org.
The Infallible Al-Zahra (as): The Role Model For All Women : Part 1 : Part 2 By Ayatullah Fadlallah.
Fatimah az-Zahra From A Brief History Of The Fourteen Infallibles. By Mohammad Hussein il Adeeb.
Lady Fatimah (as) From ConvertsToIslam.com.
Fatima The Gracious A dedicated web site.
40 Sayings Of Fatima Contributed by Br. Ali Abbas.
Mary's Story: As Inspired From The Qur'an : Part 1 : Part 2 By Ayatullah Fadlallah.
The Victory Of Truth: The Life Of Zaynab Bint 'Ali by M.H. Bilgrami. A biography of Zaynab the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw), the daughter of Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) & Fatima bint Rasool (as), and sister Of Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as). Her life has been an inspiration to all revolutionary Muslim women throughout the ages.
Fidah The Housemaid Of Fatima By Ayatullah Agha Haji Mirza Mahdi Pooya
Important Women In Islam Various Biographies And Links.
Martyr Bint al-Huda She was a famous novelist and Sister of Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir As-Sadr.
Two Women And A Man by Martyr Bint al-Huda.
Life Revolves Around Friendship by Nasreen Karim.
Without You... by Nasreen Karim.
Losing It... by Nasreen Karim.
Love... by Nasreen Karim.
Making Me Cry... by Nasreen Karim.
Try To Leave Love... by Nasreen Karim.
Ending... by Nasreen Karim.
Just For You... by Nasreen Karim.
Somewhere... by Nasreen Karim.
Muslims In Britain The Journey For The Quest Of The Self By Ayatullah Fadlallah.
Muslims In Holland: Between Incorporation And Conservation By Ayatullah Fadlallah.
The Forgotten Imam Compiled by Ali Da Malang. This is an outstanding compilation of an e-mail conversation between Shiah brothers discussing the reason behind the Ghaybah of the Twelfth Imam (as), and his Final Global Islamic Revolution and Victory. It is absolutely superb!
We have decided that while this site is under construction we would still like to provide a basic platform for Muslim males and females (and females who are Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, or believers in One God) to be able to search for a Mutah spouse. At present we are not charging any obligatory fee for the service we provide you. However you are welcome to make a voluntary contribution towards administration if you wish. (Obviously the more funds we have at our disposal, the quicker we can improve the quality of the Mutah.com & NikahMarriage.com websites!) If you are interested in making a contribution for the service we provide you please contact us via Mutah1@lycos.com
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